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Updated: May 14, 2019

by: Ashley McShurley, NP ♔ Queen Cosmetic Injector

BETTER SEX! It's in your blood:

Yes, you read that correctly! Gone are the days of just rejuvenating our faces! Offices everywhere are now incorporating vaginal rejuvenation into their game plans to treat and revamp their patients. In fact, there is at least one actual med-spa for vaginas! Here’s why: vaginal rejuvenation treats a multitude of concerns for female patients, from urinary incontinence to visual appearance of the vagina, tightness of the vagina, and the best part….it enhances both clitoral and vaginal orgasms. No more faking it ladies! The cool thing, though, is that it’s an all-natural enhancement that stems from your very own blood! It doesn’t get more organic than that, right? So let’s talk about the infamous O-Shot.

Perhaps you’ve already heard of the O-Shot from oh, I don’t know, maybe a source like Redbook, Fox News, or Cosmopolitan. Or did you hear about the O-Shot being one of the gifts at the 2014 and 2015 Oscars? Haven’t heard of it at all? That’s ok too. I’m here to fill you in, from a recipient perspective as well as a provider perspective. Yes, that’s right I have given and received the O-Shot! I wouldn’t promise you anything that I hadn’t experienced myself. But, let’s talk a little science first.

How does my blood enhance my vagina? Why isn’t it just already doing this? Why does it take a procedure to make it happen?

All good questions. Your blood is primarily composed of cells and plasma. That plasma (or liquid gold as I like to call it) naturally contains unipotent stem cells. When this type of stem cell is injected into a tissue, it begins to form that specific tissue. Healthier new tissue and blood flow formation actually takes place! Give yourself a hug, you are an amazing creature, right! Now let’s talk the impact of what this liquid gold can actually do for you.

This restorative phenomenon can help with:

  1. Decreased libido (sex drive)

  2. Stress urinary incontinence (that leak you get from sneezing, jumping, coughing)

  3. Urge urinary incontinence (that Oh NO I may not make it to the bathroom feeling)

  4. Decreased ability to orgasm

  5. Lichen sclerosis

  6. Lichen planus

  7. Chronic pain from trauma during delivery/child birth (episiotomy sound familia mamma?)

  8. Chronic mesh pain (already took the surgical route and had mesh placed?)

If you’ve had a vaginal delivery, like I have, I’ll be you have at least 2 of those. If you’re peri-menopausal or post menopausal and have had vaginal deliveries, I’ll bet you have half of the issues on that list. But, enough guessing, lets talk facts.

Research shows that 40-60% of women (depending on the age polled) reported some form of sexual distress or dysfunction. That’s a whopping 50 million women!

Take a moment to let that sink in. Why is this number so high? It’s high in part because we aren’t talking about it. Of the women polled for that study, only 14% reported ever talking to their physician about their sex lives. So not only do we need the O-Shot, we also need to be comfortable engaging in these conversations. How much better would our relationships with our partners be if we opened up and talked about our sex lives and how to improve them? Now that I have you thinking, lets go over a few more statistics. Twenty million women suffer from urinary incontinence, that’s 1:20 women in their 20’s and 1:2 women in their 60’s.

These statistics sound mind blowing at first, even to me. However, I am part of these statistics. So here’s me opening up. I had my son at 28. It was a vaginal delivery and I had an episiotomy. I had just officially become a nurse practitioner, but had been a nurse working 12 hour shifts for 5 years prior. I had a bladder of steel, or so I thought. I remember working out the first few times, about 6 months after having my son. I started running again. I very quickly learned that my bladder of so called steel had become a water balloon with a hole ripped into it. It looked like I had peed my pants after I ran for the first time. I soon began tossing out all of my non-black workout pants. I started peeing before and during workouts to empty my bladder and started drinking less water to ensure I didn’t have another embarrassing leaking episode. I however, did speak to my OBGYN about the issue.

I’ll never forget what she told me. She said my problem was probably more common than she thought it was, but that most women didn’t talk about it.

She then told me to wait until I was sure I was done having children, and then I could undergo surgery to have a foreign object, called a mesh, placed inside of me to hold up my bladder. This was years before I would learn of the O-Shot. As soon as I heard about the O-Shot and started training with the Dr. I work for on how to administer the shot, I opened up again and asked if I could receive it. I wanted to see improvement in my own stress incontinence, but I also wanted to ensure that when I talked to my patients about the treatment, I knew I was speaking from the heart.

Here’s what I experienced:

I filled out a whole bunch of questions that assessed my sex life, how I felt about sex, was it painful, was I satisfied kind of stuff. Then I answered similar questions about my bladder habits. I then sat on the exam table for about 20 min after having a topical numbing cream placed around my vaginal area and inside of my vagina, very similar to having a pap smear but without the pain. Once I was numb, I received a little extra numbing around the clitoral region. This was the area I was most concerned with having an injection at, as are most of my patients. Honestly, I didn’t feel a thing! It is hands down the easiest spot to get the injections. Next was an injection on the inner upper vaginal wall. Again, felt nothing. I mean a baby pops out from down there, if we can do that ladies, believe me we got this O-Shot thing! Next was a few injections around the fleshy part of the outer vagina, here I felt a mild sting that resolved as soon as the shot was over, nothing to it. Most patients are so worked up over the shots when they come in that they are amazed at how little they felt and how fast the procedure goes!

You’re wondering, now what?

I had mild spotting for about 24 hours. Things felt fuller immediately so I was definitely more aware of myself down there. I imagine that’s what men feel like, always aware of there junk. I had sex immediately, because well, you can. Holy wow, I didn’t even realize what I had been missing. I thought my orgasms were just fine until I had the shot and realized how much more intense they could get. Game changer to say the least! But don’t worry ladies, there’s a P-shot for the men, so they can keep up.

I have continued to see success with each injection I’ve performed.

There have been no reported risks to having platelet rich plasma (PRP). ZERO!

It’s your blood, nothing else. Any potential side effect is a result of the needle, for example the mild soreness or spotting. Stop depriving yourself and find a provider to administer the O-Shot for you today! I’d love to hear your story. However, make sure to receive the O-Shot. Do not be swayed by the other modalities out there promising the same results with a wand. Would you stick a hot curling iron in your vagina? No, me neither!

In July of 2018 the FDA actually warned against vagina rejuvenation techniques that use radiofrequency and laser technology, such as the Juliet and ThermiVA to name a few. “The safety and effectiveness of energy-based medical devices to perform these procedure has not been established,” the agency noted (MEDPAGE TODAY.COM). The FDA reports these therapies could lead to side effects such as scarring, chronic pain, and burns and advised physicians using these types of devices to report any side effects to the Adverse Event Reporting progam, MedWatch (MEDPAGETODAY.COM).

Please note, the O-Shot is not an energy based treatment. The kits used to obtained the PRP from a patients blood for O-Shot are FDA approved. There are numerous research articles highlighting the safety and success of the O-Shot, and besides, can the FDA really regulate your blood?

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Queen Cosmetic Injector

Ashley McShurley, ACNP-BC

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1 Comment

Feb 06, 2020

How often are the injections needed and how much does it cost? Does insurance cover it?

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